Monday, July 4, 2011

Project Management (IT)

Project Management (IT)

Multiple Choice Single Answer

 Question: The cheap delivery system for Ecommerce purchases is
Correct Answer Post
Your Answer Post

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
 Question: Select the agencies besides the customer and vendor in a credit card transaction
Correct Answer Vendor's bank , Customer's bank , Card issuing company
Your Answer Customer's bank , Vendor's bank

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question: Select the two payment card companies using open loop system.
Correct Answer Visa
, Master card
Your Answer Visa , Master card

Select The Blank

Question: In public key encryption method one key is public and one key is ________.
Correct Answer Private
Your Answer Private


Question: As compared to a magnetic striped plastic card a smart card stores less information.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question: Microsoft wallet is currently working with
Correct Answer American express charge card , Master card
Your Answer American express charge card , Master card

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question: A trusted third party in which bank is involved in which cash storage
Correct Answer Online Cash Storage
Your Answer Online Cash Storage

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question: A process of making information indeipherable except to those with a decoding key
Correct Answer Encryption
Your Answer Encryption

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

 Question: The server developed by cybercash handles
Correct Answer Consumer payment and purchase information , Quick and safe transaction completion
Your Answer Consumer payment and purchase information , Quick and safe transaction completion

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question: The store administrator
Correct Answer Is a program , Decides how the store is opened/closed , Manages site appearance
Your Answer Decides how the store is opened/closed , Manages site appearance


Question: The customer feedback got through the Web site should be the input for maintainance and enhancement of the site.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True


Question: For Online Retailing to Succeed ,online technology must compliment management and opeational straegy.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question: Select the two payment card companies using closed loop system
Correct Answer American Express , Discover
Your Answer American Express , Discover

Select The Blank

Question: A ________ is digital cash minted by a small number of third party organizations
Correct Answer Scrip
Your Answer Smart card

Select The Blank

Question: An internet user using Mondex, transfering cash over the internet requires ________ to be attached to the personal computer
Correct Answer Mondex reader
Your Answer Mondex reader

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question: An Interent Mall provides following services
Correct Answer Ecash , Shared Advertising , Security and Credit Card Processing
Your Answer Shared Advertising , Security and Credit Card Processing


Question: Currently Agile wallet supports cybercash's own electronic cash.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question: The most common way of paying for an ecommerce transaction is with
Correct Answer Credit Card
Your Answer Credit Card


Question: In a credit card, the customer receive a payment for returned goods.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Select The Blank

 Question: The model used for computer network is called as ________.
Correct Answer OSI
Your Answer OSI

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question: The example of E-service which enhances original service is
Correct Answer Eeducation
Your Answer Retailing

Select The Blank

Question: IP address is a host number reprsented by ________ bits.
Correct Answer 32
Your Answer 32

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

 Question: The advantages of Internet over conventional manuals are
Correct Answer Readily corrected material , Search Facilities , No Mailing Costs
Your Answer Printing Costs , Search Facilities , No Mailing Costs

Match The Following

Question: Correct Answer Your Answer

SSL Address security concerns for inforamtion transfer Security scheme based on public key encryption

PCT Spawn secondary key for authentication Spawn secondary key for authentication

S-HTTP Security scheme based on public key encryption Address security concerns for inforamtion transfer

SET Provide digital signature capability for financial transaction on web Provide digital signature capability for financial transaction on web

Select The Blank

Question: ________ is sending unwanted advertising to users.
Correct Answer Spamming
Your Answer Spamming


 Question: SQL statements can be used with higher level languages like Java,C++
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True


Question: To process payment card orders, a merchant must first set up a merchant account.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question: Agile wallet secure electronic server was developed by :
Correct Answer Cybercash
Your Answer Cybercash

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question: The advantages of Ecash are
Correct Answer Cheap , Useful for small payments
Your Answer Cheap , Useful for small payments , Economical

Select The Blank

Question: A ________ make shopping more efficient, since it does not require the customer to fill checkout forms.
Correct Answer Electronic wallet
Your Answer Credit card

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question: Millicent developed by Digital, which is now part of Compaq.Millicent is an electronic strip that
Correct Answer Does not issue one standard currency
Your Answer Uses cybercoins as its currency

Match The Following

 Question: Correct Answer Your Answer

Spamming Sending Unwanted Advertising Sending Unwanted Advertising

Enhancement Implement upgrades to improve system's productivity Keeping a system on course based on plan

Fulfillment phase Honoring a commitment to deliver goods after payment has been assured Honoring a commitment to deliver goods after payment has been assured

Maintainence Keeping a system on course based on plan Implement upgrades to improve system's productivity

Select The Blank

Question: ________is the act of storing a document on local server,enabling it to be presented faster than if it is accessed from the document's original server.
Correct Answer Caching
Your Answer Caching

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question: The delivery system of ecommerce purcahses has to depend on
Correct Answer Size of Product , Nature of Product , Urgency
Your Answer Size of Product , Nature of Product , Quantity

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question: There is no real safeguard for ensuring messages. Interent users send and receive messages are not intercepted or even altered by some unknown interloper.This threat is called
Correct Answer Packet Sniffing
Your Answer Packet Sniffing


Question: Technical support can make or break a b-to-c interface for any e-business.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Select The Blank

Question: In ________ personalization the inputs of many users is compared before the program comes up with a recommendation to the visitor.
Correct Answer Collabrative Filtering
Your Answer General

Select The Blank

Question: An internet user using Mondex, transfering cash over the internet requires ________ to be attached to the personal computer
Correct Answer Mondex reader
Your Answer Mondex card

Select The Blank

Question: ________ means keeping a system or a business in a up-to-date state based on the initial design or plan.
Correct Answer maintainance
Your Answer maintainance

Multiple Choice Single Answer

 Question: Which one of the following is information selling on the web?
Correct Answer Online Publishing Site
Your Answer Online Publishing Site

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question: A plastic card with an embedded microchip containing information about the user is known as
Correct Answer Smart card
Your Answer Smart card

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

 Question: Typically what information a new business required to provide the merchant bank in opening an account
Correct Answer Business plan , details about existing bank accounts , credit history
Your Answer Business plan , details about existing bank accounts , credit history


Question: A hardened firewall computer records not only the user logged in but also who has failed loging
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question: Which of the following indicate B2B auction sites?
Correct Answer Use of your own Website , Use of Liquidation broker , Use of auction facility on a virtual market
Your Answer Use of your own Website , Use of Liquidation broker , Use of auction facility on a virtual market


Question: A merchant bank does business with both merchant's internet and non-internet.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question: Which of the following is related with Estocktrading?
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question: Benfits of the electronic wallet are
Correct Answer It holds credit cards , It holds electronic cash , It stores owner's identification
Your Answer It holds electronic cash , It stores owner's identification , It does not require owner's address information


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Microsoft wallet is currently working with
Correct Answer Master card , American express charge card
Your Answer Electronic cash system , Internet bank accounts

Select The Blank
Question: The model used for computer network is called as ________.
Correct Answer OSI
Your Answer OSI

Match The Following
Question: Correct Answer Your Answer

Marketing Notice New Products Information New Products Information

Logon Page Business partner's page Business partner's page

Home Page Latest Marketing Update Latest Marketing Update

Order Page Product summaries Summary Of Orders

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: List the three types of information a smart card may contain
Correct Answer Financial facts , Account information , Health information
Your Answer Financial facts , Health information , Weather information

Select The Blank
Question: ________ is a software that locates web pages based on matching keywords.
Correct Answer Search engine
Your Answer Search engine

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: If the product picked by the customer is out of stock
Correct Answer The product has to be backordered , Give him options of other similar products , Order the product when the inventory reaches the minimum count
Your Answer The product has to be backordered , Order the product when the inventory reaches the minimum count

Select The Blank
Question: A list of company activities that make up the website is called ________.
Correct Answer Content Inventory
Your Answer Content Inventory

Question: Recovery from error is thought of in the planning phase.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: There is no real safeguard for ensuring messages. Interent users send and receive messages are not intercepted or even altered by some unknown interloper.This threat is called
Correct Answer Packet Sniffing
Your Answer Packet Sniffing

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

 Question: Select the agencies besides the customer and vendor in a credit card transaction
Correct Answer Vendor's bank , Customer's bank , Card issuing company
Your Answer Vendor's bank , Customer's bank , Card issuing company


Question: Technical support can make or break a b-to-c interface for any e-business.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

 Question: Typically what information a new business required to provide the merchant bank in opening an account
Correct Answer Business plan , details about existing bank accounts , credit history
Your Answer Business plan , details about existing bank accounts , Customer list


 Question: Insert statement can populate a table with records from another table.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Select The Blank

 Question: The final phase of site building life cycle is ________.
Correct Answer Visual Design
Your Answer Page Layout

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question: Planning for scalability means
Correct Answer Capacity planning
Your Answer Capacity planning

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question: The delivery system of ecommerce purcahses has to depend on
Correct Answer Size of Product , Nature of Product , Urgency
Your Answer Size of Product , Nature of Product , Quantity


Question: SQL statements can be used with higher level languages like Java,C++
Correct Answer True
Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question: The act of sending a message pretending to be authorized user is called as
Correct Answer Spoofing
Your Answer Swapping


Question: All eBay auctions have a minimum bid increment.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question: Which one of the following is information selling on the web?
Correct Answer Online Publishing Site
Your Answer Online Publishing Site

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question: In composite query the basic requirement is
Correct Answer Join between two tables
Your Answer Similar records

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question: Broad Targeted Marketing include following ways
Correct Answer Chat Rooms , Thematic Web Sites , Portals
Your Answer Thematic Web Sites , Portals , Email

Select The Blank

Question: Embedded Style Definitions are defined in the ________ section of the HTML file.
Correct Answer HEAD
Your Answer HEAD

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question: Secureware has designed a secure web platform utilizing three tiered architecture ,the three tiers are
Correct Answer Encryption technologies , Trusted Operating System , Firewalls
Your Answer Encryption technologies , Decryption Technologies , Firewalls

Match The Following

Question: Correct Answer Your Answer

Secret data Existance is secret Blaocked data

Public data Protected from modification Restored data

Copyright data Content is not secret Protected from modification

Confidential data Content is secret Content is secret


Question: EBT systems are designed to provide no cost or low cost access methods.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True


 Question: Customers must have an account with central online bank in most digital cash systems
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question: The banking which allows banks to set up retail branches on subscriber based online services is
Correct Answer Online Services Based Banking
Your Answer Online Services Based Banking


Question: Company Information lets the potential online shopper know the sort of outfit of the eshop.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True


 Question: Two mondex card holders can transfer cash between their cards over a telephone line.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question: Internet payments for items costing $1 or less than the lower threshold of credit card payments
Correct Answer Micropayments
Your Answer Micropayments

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question: A process of making information indeipherable except to those with a decoding key
Correct Answer Encryption
Your Answer Encryption

Select The Blank

Question: ________ is a bits of information stored on a user's hard disk that identifies the user the next time he/she accesses the web site.
Correct Answer Cookies
Your Answer Cookies

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question: Select the three main advantages of smart card
Correct Answer portable , Contain encrypted information , Impossible for credit theft
Your Answer portable , Contain encrypted information , Smart cards accepted every where

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question: A trusted operating system provides
Correct Answer strong access controls , create virtual lockbox , protect against unauthoprized tampering with private account information
Your Answer strong access controls , create virtual lockbox , to limit access to the system form external networks


Question: E-services give new dimension to original service
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

 Question: A home banking service in combination with a PC and modem and bank become an electronic gateway to customers and accounts is
Correct Answer Proprietary Bank dial up services
Your Answer Online Services based banking

Select The Blank

Question: In working of digital signature private key is applied to a shorter form of data called ________.
Correct Answer Hash
Your Answer Abbreivation

Select The Blank

Question: In ________ style sheets the style definitions are store in seprate file with extension CSS.
Correct Answer External
Your Answer Linked

Select The Blank

Question: In Netscape's security socket layer the test of GET command and the text of HTML file are sent and received through connections called ________.
Correct Answer Sockets
Your Answer Sockets

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question: Which electronic tokens are issued by that can be used to pay for online goods?
Correct Answer Ecoins
Your Answer Ecoins

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question: The planning process for e-business include
Correct Answer Deciding about the products and services you want to sell
Your Answer Deciding about the products and services you want to sell

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question: Open Universities have moved into providing internet based version of course.The reason behind it is,
Correct Answer Clientbase outside their catchment is possible , Delivery of courses at reduced cost
Your Answer Clientbase outside their catchment is possible , Delivery of courses at reduced cost , Setup cost is reduced

Select The Blank

Question: ________ means keeping a system or a business in a up-to-date state based on the initial design or plan.
Correct Answer maintainance
Your Answer Development

Select The Blank

Question: ________ auction sites involve a customer selling an item to another customer through auction site.
Correct Answer C2C
Your Answer C2C

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question: Agile wallet secure electronic server was developed by :
Correct Answer Cybercash
Your Answer Cybercash


Question: In hardened firewall host FTP ,Gopher services are located on firewall systems rather than being maintained on many systems.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True


Multiple Choice Single Answer
 Question: A set of activities ensure that software correctly implements a specific function is called as software:-
Correct Answer Verification
Your Answer Validation

Select The Blank
Question: ________ testing confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled in the development environment.
Correct Answer Alpha
Your Answer Alpha

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: An Activity that has a definite Start and a definite end is termed as ?
Correct Answer Project
Your Answer Project

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

 Question: Architecture Design Consists of:-
Correct Answer Module Structure , Program Structure , Hierarchy in the Structure
Your Answer Module Structure , Program Structure , Hierarchy in the Structure

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The Customer Requirements could be analyzed by:-
Correct Answer Interviewing , Questionnaire , Meeting with Key Users
Your Answer Interviewing , Questionnaire , Meeting with Key Users

Select The Blank
Question: In the ________ model data elements are organized in tree structure in parent-child format.
Correct Answer Hierarchical
Your Answer Hierarchical

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: System Testing Techniques are :-
Correct Answer Alpha Test , Beta Test
Your Answer Alpha Test , Beta Test

Question: Stress Testing is a part of Integration testing.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The Examples of Business Software are
Correct Answer Payroll ,Accounting, , Inventory , customer Relation Management
Your Answer Payroll ,Accounting, , Inventory , customer Relation Management

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: A system for the support of software development is called
Correct Answer Computer Aided Software Engineering
Your Answer Computer Aided Software Engineering

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: At the beginning testing focuses on each component individually, ensuring that it function properly as a unit or not this is termed as:-
Correct Answer Unit Testing
Your Answer Unit Testing

Question: Risk which can be known is termed as unpredictable risk.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Question: Recovery testing focuses on the Cost Recovery Plan of the Software Implemented.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Select The Blank
Question: A ________ arises due to uncertainties involved in assessing, estimating various inputs to the software process.
Correct Answer Process Risk
Your Answer Process Risk

Question: Black Box testing Finds out Missing Functions & Interface Errors.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Question: SE is applied for software development through Engineering Methods
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Legacy software -Poor quality has
Correct Answer Inextensible design , Convoluted Code , Poor or nonexistent documentation
Your Answer Inextensible design , Convoluted Code , Poor or nonexistent documentation

Match The Following
Question: Correct Answer Your Answer

Performance Management Efficiency & Effectiveness Efficiency & Effectiveness

Relational Model Data Management With Ease Data Management With Ease

E-R Diagrams Strong & Weak Entities Strong & Weak Entities

Normalization Table Design Table Design

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: A System is one that is self contained and self reliant:-
Correct Answer Closed System
Your Answer Closed System

Select The Blank
Question: ________ type of an error is class I error and needs corrective measures to be implemented immediately.
Correct Answer Fatal
Your Answer Fatal

Select The Blank
Question: ________ is characterized by longetivity and business criticality
Correct Answer Legacy Software
Your Answer Legacy Software

Select The Blank

 Question: The objective of a ________ is to test for what we want to achieve and not what is actually achieved.
Correct Answer Test Plan
Your Answer Test Plan

Question: System testing Starts when Software Integration is about to be completed.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: A set of activities ensure that the software that has been built is traceable to customer requirements:-
Correct Answer Validation
Your Answer Validation

Multiple Choice Single Answer
 Question: A Design which reduces system complexity , and offers better understanding of the system and its components Behavior is :-
Correct Answer Effective Modular Design
Your Answer Effective Modular Design

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: What is the tool which enforces consistency in naming the entities across the system?
Correct Answer Data Dictionary
Your Answer Data Dictionary

Multiple Choice Single Answer
 Question: A process to commit the organisation to start the project and complete the project document providing a broad spectrum of the project is :-
Correct Answer Project Initiation
Your Answer Project Initiation

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

 Question: The next development in software engineering is
Correct Answer The use of tool generate the code , The extensive use od CASE tool for analysis and design , The use of Component technology
Your Answer The use of tool generate the code , The extensive use od CASE tool for analysis and design , The use of Component technology

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Testing a Design Includes:-
Correct Answer Test Procedures , Test Plans , Design Renew Plans
Your Answer Test Procedures , Test Plans , Design Renew Plans

Match The Following
Question: Correct Answer Your Answer

Development of the Software Software Programs Software Programs

Corrective Maintenance Maintenance

Process, Tools & Methods Software Engineering Layers Software Engineering Layers

Requirement Specifications Definition Phase Definition Phase

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Project Risk Management Includes:-
Correct Answer Risk Avoidance , Risk Mitigation , Risk Prevention
Your Answer Risk Prevention , Risk Avoidance , Risk Mitigation

Question: SRS is one of the cause of not meeting the SQA.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Select The Blank
Question: ________ tests confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled on the deployment platform.
Correct Answer Beta
Your Answer Beta

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

 Question: Operational Testing is carried out by :-
Correct Answer Recovery Testing , Stress Testing , Performance Testing
Your Answer Recovery Testing , Stress Testing , Performance Testing


 Question: The Major risk involved in software project is to identify the programmers required and the pay scales of them.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Work Break Down Structure can also be traced back to ?
Correct Answer System Requirements Specifications , Requirement Definition & Description
Your Answer System Requirements Specifications , Requirement Definition & Description

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The Behavioral Aspect of the System could be Shown using :-
Correct Answer Data Flow Diagrams
Your Answer Data Flow Diagrams

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: A degree to which the design aspect of the Quality is met is termed as :-
Correct Answer Quality Conformance
Your Answer Quality Conformance

Question: System testing checks the abnormality in the software system.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Select The Blank

 Question: ________ is developed or engineered not manufactured
Correct Answer Software
Your Answer Software

Select The Blank

 Question: Requirements Management Begins with ________.
Correct Answer Identification
Your Answer Identification

Select The Blank
Question: Each & every ________ has a Specific format as a record.
Correct Answer Test
Your Answer Test

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Test Case Design for real time systems strategically should include:-
Correct Answer Task Testing , Behavioral Testing , Intertask Testing
Your Answer Task Testing , Behavioral Testing , Intertask Testing

Question: The Unit of the Software is the smallest entity to be tested.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Select The Blank

 Question: ________ is achieved by carving out a module that is responsible for any unique function and which does not need to interact with other parts of the system.
Correct Answer Functional Dependency
Your Answer Functional Dependency

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The most affected elements of the Quality of the software is:-
Correct Answer Customer , Developer , Stake Holders
Your Answer Customer , Developer , Stake Holders

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The Paradigm Structured System Analysis and Design was developed by:-
Correct Answer Yourdon & De Macro
Your Answer Yourdon & De Macro

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