International Commercial Law
Question: The floating policy is not a time policy but the aggregation of voyage policies
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Select The Blank
Question: In some cases, the transaction may not involve a sale. The product may have been ________ or loaned by the owner
Correct Answer Leased
Your Answer Leased
Select The Blank
Question: In legal phraseology there is no privity of ________ between customer and manufacturer
Correct Answer Contract
Your Answer Contract
Select The Blank
Question: The unpaid seller has also a ________ interest in them untill the buyer is deemed to have accepted the goods
Correct Answer Defensible
Your Answer Contingent
Question: Words which do not describe the character or quality of goods are registerable.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer False
Question: The seller pays all the charges upto the loading of goods at the address of buyer
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Arbitration tribunals have been consituted in
Correct Answer Poland , Czekoslovakia , Hungary
Your Answer Poland , Czekoslovakia , Hungary
Question: Under through Bills of Lading Covering on Carriage by air, the air consignment is a document of title but bill of lading is not.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Select The Blank
Question: Copyright protects the ________ of an idea rather than the idea itself.
Correct Answer expression
Your Answer expression
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: In a contrat between A, B Of Bombay and Banglore respectively it may be provided that all dispute between them should be decided by a court in Bombay. Therefore in case B files a suit in Banglore, A may Sucessfully objected to the
Correct Answer Juridication of courts in Banglore
Your Answer Juridication of courts in Banglore
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The customer and manufacture has no
Correct Answer Privity of Contract
Your Answer Privity of Contract
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: GATT is a multilateral treaty that lays down general rules for the cnduct of
Correct Answer International trade relation
Your Answer International trade relation
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The Institute Cargo clauses B covers the loss of or damage to the subject - matter insured reasonably attributed to
Correct Answer Fire or explosion , Discharge of cargo at a port of distress , Earthquake, volcanic eruption or lightening
Your Answer Fire or explosion , Discharge of cargo at a port of distress , Earthquake, volcanic eruption or lightening
Select The Blank
Question: The burden of proof for recovery under the insurance is that of the ________
Correct Answer Assured
Your Answer Assured
Question: Term of Registration and renewal increased from 7 to 10 years.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Question: Ii is in the public interest to encourage the marketing of the products having defects that can be sold in lower price to the public.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: NewZealan prohibits and restricts certain types of paking like
Correct Answer The use of hay , The use of chaff , The use of rice husk
Your Answer The use of hay , The use of chaff , The use of rice husk
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The trading Invoice should state the
Correct Answer Name and addresses of seller and buyer
Your Answer Name and addresses of seller and buyer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: Industrial design is design elements in
Correct Answer Industrial produced articles
Your Answer Industrial produced articles
Match The Following
Question: Correct Answer Your Answer
Legalprotection of computer software Trade secreat system Trade secreat system
Expressionof thought Original work Original work
Not entitled for copyright protection A mere idea Computer work
Novels, drama, poetry Literary work A mere idea
Match The Following
Question: Correct Answer Your Answer
The manufacturing process Quality control
Question: If the seller requires payment before the deferred payment credit matures, he can obtain it by
Correct Answer Negotiating the Letter of Credit
Your Answer Negotiating the Bill of Lading
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The critical point is in the port of shipmentin the traditional forms of export contracts such as
Correct Answer f.o.b , c.i.f , f.a.s
Your Answer f.o.b , c.i.f , f.a.s
Question: Scenic effects and costumes are not the subjects of copyright even if they are artistic
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The work under the copyright Act should be
Correct Answer originated from the author
Your Answer originated from the author
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The words copyright derives from the expression
Correct Answer Copy or words
Your Answer Copy or words
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: Unregistered trade mark can be protected by the action of
Correct Answer Passing off
Your Answer Passing off
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: Apolicy which specifies the agreed value of the subject mateer insured
Correct Answer A valued policy
Your Answer A valued policy
Select The Blank
Question: The invoice ________is to be stated as the terms of the contract
Correct Answer Price
Your Answer Price
Select The Blank
Question: The clause Arrival means that the seller has to cause delivery to be madeto the buyer from the ________
Correct Answer Ship
Your Answer Ship
Question: Time policies may cover a fixed priod of twelve months on the continuation clause
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: Inventions are protected by
Correct Answer Patent
Your Answer Patent
Question: The computer programmes have been included in the ambit of patentability
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Select The Blank
Question: The shipper is entitled to demand that the bill of lading should be________ correctly
Correct Answer dated
Your Answer dated
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: A contract in which the parties agree that a false invoice be isued is
Correct Answer Unenforceable by Law
Your Answer Unenforceable by Law
Select The Blank
Question: Under f.o.b contract the cost of loading is usually included in the ________charges which are to paid by the buyer
Correct Answer Freight
Your Answer Freight
Select The Blank
Question: When the consumer deals with the retailer rather than directly with the manufacture he establishes a ________ relationship
Correct Answer Contractual
Your Answer Contractual
Select The Blank
Question: ________ has no eastablished status in Law but are admissible in evidence against the seller if litigation ensues between him and buyer
Correct Answer Letters of Insurance
Your Answer Letters of credit
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The exclusion clauses covers
Correct Answer War exclusion clause , Strike exclusion , Loss or damage caused by any terrorist
Your Answer War exclusion clause , Strike exclusion , Loss or damage caused by any terrorist
Select The Blank
Question: The rights of the copyright ________ may be roughly classified into reproduction rights and performing rights.
Correct Answer owner
Your Answer owner
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The theories of liability may be divided into three groups
Correct Answer Negligence , Misrepresentation, both tortions and by breach of warranty , Strict liabilty in tort for defective products
Your Answer Negligence , Misrepresentation, both tortions and by breach of warranty , Strict liabilty in tort for defective products
Question: The buyer is entitled to refuse the acceptance of the goods if they are packed in accordance of his instructions
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Paries convention lay down the basic principle governing protection of
Correct Answer Patents , Trademarks , Industrial design
Your Answer Patents , Trademarks
Question: An electrical terminal for washing meachine was held registrable because a potential customer may decide to buy it solely for its utility
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The broker wright the essentials of the proposed insurance in cuetomery abbreviationson a document called
Correct Answer The Slip
Your Answer The Slip
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Classification of contracts by it's validity are
Correct Answer Voidable contract , Illegal contract , Unenforceable contract
Your Answer Voidable contract , Illegal contract , Unenforceable contract
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The Lioyd's marine policy form is schedule into which the following information is to be inserted
Correct Answer The policy number , The subject- matter insured , The amount insured
Your Answer The policy number , The subject- matter insured , The amount insured Quality control
Important issue of vertical privity is Who can be sued Who can be sued
Sales talk Opinion maticulous precautions
An automobile or high speed machinery maticulous precautions The marketing process
Multiple Choice Single Answer QUESTION: S AND ANSWERS
Select The Blank
Question: The burden of proof for recovery under the insurance is that of the ________
Correct Answer Assured
Your Answer Insured
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: An administrative commission for concilliation is constituted at the ICC and for each dispute a conciliation committee of three members is set up by the
Correct Answer President of ICC
Your Answer President of ICC
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The broker wright the essentials of the proposed insurance in cuetomery abbreviationson a document called
Correct Answer The Slip
Your Answer The Slip
Select The Blank
Question: In legal phraseology there is no privity of ________ between customer and manufacturer
Correct Answer Contract
Your Answer Contract
Question: The law of products liability governs the public litigation of product accidents
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The contractual nature of arbituration determines Questions , which are not free from controversy . The Question are
Correct Answer Whether arbitration himself can decide conclusively , whether it the arbitration clause is contained in the original contract , whether the arbitation clause itself is under cloud
Your Answer Whether arbitration himself can decide conclusively , whether it the arbitration clause is contained in the original contract , whether the arbitation clause itself is under cloud
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: A contract in which the parties agree that a false invoice be isued is
Correct Answer Unenforceable by Law
Your Answer Illegal in Law
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: In stand by letters of credit, the bank may also be instructed to authorise another bank against the stipulated documents to
Correct Answer Pay bills of exchange , Accept bills of exchange , Negotiate bills of exchange
Your Answer Pay bills of exchange , Accept bills of exchange , Negotiate bills of exchange
Select The Blank
Question: It would be infringed by making a ________ copy of the topographical arrengement.
Correct Answer facsimile
Your Answer duplicate
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: Apolicy which specifies the agreed value of the subject mateer insured
Correct Answer A valued policy
Your Answer A valued policy
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Other documents inluded in the shipping documents are
Correct Answer Certificate of origin , Certificate of quality , Certificate of inspection
Your Answer Certificate of origin , Certificate of quality , Certificate of inspection
Question: Infringement of patent takes place, normally during Industrial or Commercial activities
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Question: In the case o fliterary work like encyclopedia dictionaries, year books etc., i.e. where there is collective work and output, there is a joint authorship.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: Where the subject - matter is insured from one point to another isa
Correct Answer Voyage policy
Your Answer Voyage policy
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The container is normally shipped under an ordinary
Correct Answer Shipped bill of lading
Your Answer Container bill of lading
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Classification of contracts by it's validity are
Correct Answer Unenforceable contract , Voidable contract , Illegal contract
Your Answer Voidable contract , Illegal contract , Unenforceable contract
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The most frequent method of payment for goods is the export trade is
Correct Answer Letter of credit
Your Answer Letter of credit
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The single most important document in International Trade and forms the very basis of a large volume in international trade is
Correct Answer L/C
Your Answer L/C
Select The Blank
Question: ________ has no eastablished status in Law but are admissible in evidence against the seller if litigation ensues between him and buyer
Correct Answer Letters of Insurance
Your Answer Letters of credit
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: If the carriage of goods by sea are carried in bulk, e.g. coal, oil, grain, the shipper may hise a whole vessel i.e.
Correct Answer charter party
Your Answer charter party
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The law relating to letters of credit is founded on the principle of
Correct Answer The doctrine of strict performance
Your Answer The doctrine of strict performance
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The trading Invoice should state the
Correct Answer Name and addresses of seller and buyer
Your Answer Name and addresses of seller and buyer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Dramatic work includes
Correct Answer work of dance and mine , the scenario for a film , the script for a film
Your Answer work of dance and mine , the scenario for a film , the script for a film
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The letter of cradit should state which of the methods have been chosen by the parties namely,
Correct Answer Payment at sight , Deferred payment , Acceptance or negotiance
Your Answer Payment at sight , Deferred payment , Acceptance or negotiance
Select The Blank
Question: An issue of bill of lading who deliberately backdates it in order to bring it within the shipment time in the credit, acts ________
Correct Answer frandulently
Your Answer frandulently
Select The Blank
Question: The Arbitrations and Conciliation Act, 1996 was enacted taking into account the model law and Rules recommended by United Nation for efficient ________ of disputed arising in international commercial relation
Correct Answer Settlement
Your Answer Settlement
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The work under the copyright Act should be
Correct Answer originated from the author
Your Answer originated from the author
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The marine insurance policy or the marine insurance certificate forms a part of the
Correct Answer Shipping Document
Your Answer Shipping Document
Match The Following
Question: Correct Answer Your Answer
The manufacturing process Quality control Quality control
Important issue of vertical privity is Who can be sued The marketing process
Sales talk Opinion maticulous precautions
An automobile or high speed machinery maticulous precautions Who can be sued
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: A general average act has to satify the followling requirements. It must be
Correct Answer In time of peril , An extraordinary sacrifice or expenditure , Purposely resorted to
Your Answer In time of peril , An extraordinary sacrifice or expenditure , Purposely resorted to
Question: The arbitrator , like a judge, has power to order the inspection of the object in dispute.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Question: Ii is in the public interest to encourage the marketing of the products having defects that can be sold in lower price to the public.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True
Question: The expression literary work covers work which is expressed in print or writing irrespective of whether the quality or styal is high
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: If the carriage of goods by sea are individual pakages, they are carried under
Correct Answer bill of lading
Your Answer bill of lading
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: It is essential that a patentable invention must possess
Correct Answer Utility
Your Answer Utility
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The law of product safety is
Correct Answer Regulatory law
Your Answer Regulatory law
Select The Blank
Question: A ' would be patentee may endanger his own chances by any sort of publicity ________ registration of a patent
Correct Answer Before
Your Answer Before
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Paris convention is applicable to industrial property
Correct Answer Inventions , Trade marks , Service marks
Your Answer Inventions , Trade marks , Service marks
Question: The two types of contract of carriage by sea is contracts evident by bill of lading and contracts containing perils
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Select The Blank
Question: The container leasing contract providees that the lessee has to pay ________if he retains the container beyond stipulated time
Correct Answer Liquidated damages
Your Answer Liquidated damages
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Translation , editorial work involves
Correct Answer Ammendments , Explanation , Compilation
Your Answer Ammendments , Explanation , Compilation
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The novelty of an invention is to be recognized from the angle of
Correct Answer Manner of manufacture
Your Answer Manner of manufacture
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The shipping document consist of mainly
Correct Answer A clean bill of lading , Amarine insurance policy , The invoice
Your Answer A clean bill of lading , Amarine insurance policy , The invoice
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: NewZealan prohibits and restricts certain types of paking like
Correct Answer The use of hay , The use of chaff , The use of rice husk
Your Answer The use of hay , The use of chaff , The use of rice husk
Question: The buyer is entitled to refuse the acceptance of the goods if they are packed in accordance of his instructions
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Match The Following
Question: Correct Answer Your Answer
India is a signatory and indeed a founder member GATT GATT
World Trade Organisation Member India WTO
Intellectual Property Rights Agreement (TRIPS)_ India , a party Member India
Duration of 20 years for patents TRIPS agreemnt TRIPS agreemnt
Question: Where a cargo is a tender in such a manner as to put an ordinary careful insurer on inquriy and he fails to inquire a waiver may be assumed
Correct Answer True
This solved paper has been contributed by Raul Castro
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The Indian Court have summed up the following ingredients or elements to settle the Question: s of similarity of two marks.
Correct Answer Overall construction , Phonetic Similarity , The overall similarity
Your Answer Phonetic Similarity , The overall similarity , Implication of mark
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: Legal status of protection of trade mark can be acquired either by
Correct Answer Prolonged use of trade mark by registration
Your Answer Prolonged use of trade mark by registration
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Classification of contracts by it's validity are
Correct Answer Voidable contract , Illegal contract , Unenforceable contract
Your Answer Voidable contract , Illegal contract , Unenforceable contract
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The very purpose of a mark is to
Correct Answer Distinguish the goods of service from another
Your Answer Distinguish the goods of service from another
Question: Once registered with WIPO, a Trade Mark is protected in each member country
Correct Answer True
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: A contract in which the parties agree that a false invoice be isued is
Correct Answer Unenforceable by Law
Your Answer Illegal in Law
Select The Blank
Question: In legal phraseology there is no privity of ________ between customer and manufacturer
Correct Answer Contract
Your Answer Contract
Question: The frustration occures whenever the Law recognizes that with default of either party a contractual obligation has become incapable of being performed
Correct Answer True
Your Answer False
Question: If certain occures which are beyond their control such clauses are known as force Majeure Clauss
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Question: Once there is non disclouser, be it fraudulent negligient or innocent, the aggrieved paryt is entitled to elect whether he would avoid or affirm the contract
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The legal principle that the Bank is entitled ro reject documents which do not strictly confirm with the terms of the credit is the
Correct Answer Doctrine of strict compliance
Your Answer Doctrine of strict compliance
Question: Invented words, coined words, fancy words are all synonymous terms.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The most frequent method of payment for goods is the export trade is
Correct Answer Letter of credit
Your Answer Letter of credit
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The customer and manufacture has no
Correct Answer Privity of Contract
Your Answer Privity of Contract
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: NewZealan prohibits and restricts certain types of paking like
Correct Answer The use of hay , The use of chaff , The use of rice husk
Your Answer The use of hay , The use of chaff , The use of rice husk
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: In a contrat between A, B Of Bombay and Banglore respectively it may be provided that all dispute between them should be decided by a court in Bombay. Therefore in case B files a suit in Banglore, A may Sucessfully objected to the
Correct Answer Juridication of courts in Banglore
Your Answer Juridication of courts in Banglore
Select The Blank
Question: The invoice ________is to be stated as the terms of the contract
Correct Answer Price
Your Answer Price
Question: The buyer is entitled to refuse the acceptance of the goods if they are packed in accordance of his instructions
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Select The Blank
Question: In some cases, the transaction may not involve a sale. The product may have been ________ or loaned by the owner
Correct Answer Leased
Your Answer Leased
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The following may not be treated as invented words.
Correct Answer Misspelling , Compounding of existing descriptive word , Words framed by mere addition of adjective prefixes or suffixes
Your Answer Misspelling , Compounding of existing descriptive word , Words framed by mere addition of adjective prefixes or suffixes
Match The Following
Question: Correct Answer Your Answer
The most important institution for the arbitral settlement of International trade disputes The ICC court The ICC court
The administrative and financial regulations ICSID ICSID
European Arbitration Sponsored by the UN economic commission Sponsored by the UN economic commission
The London court of International arbitration Sponsored by Chartered Insitute of Arbitration Sponsored by Chartered Insitute of Arbitration
Question: Purchasers cannot try out drugs to determine whether they kill or cure
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The single most important document in International Trade and forms the very basis of a large volume in international trade is
Correct Answer L/C
Your Answer L/C
Match The Following
Question: Correct Answer Your Answer
Application for Registration of Trademarks office of Trademark Registry Procedure for registration of trade mark
Purpose of mark Distinguish the goods of one trader from those of another Distinguish the goods of one trader from those of another
Application for registration under the Trademark Act, 1999 Trademark Single application
Registration of Trademarks Single application office of Trademark Registry
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: In stand by letters of credit, the bank may also be instructed to authorise another bank against the stipulated documents to
Correct Answer Pay bills of exchange , Accept bills of exchange , Negotiate bills of exchange
Your Answer Pay bills of exchange , Accept bills of exchange , Negotiate bills of exchange
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The law relating to letters of credit is founded on the principle of
Correct Answer The doctrine of strict performance
Your Answer The doctrine of strict compliance
Select The Blank
Question: A ' would be patentee may endanger his own chances by any sort of publicity ________ registration of a patent
Correct Answer Before
Your Answer Before
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The shipping document consist of mainly
Correct Answer A clean bill of lading , Amarine insurance policy , The invoice
Your Answer A clean bill of lading , Amarine insurance policy , The invoice
Select The Blank
Question: The________ expoter has no locas standi under GATT
Correct Answer Individual
Your Answer Individual
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Following word marks other than surnames are registerable. They are
Correct Answer Personal names , Geographical names , Names of sect
Your Answer Personal names , Geographical names , Names of sect
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The law of product safety is
Correct Answer Regulatory law
Your Answer Regulatory law
Select The Blank
Question: The marine insurance covers all riskof loss or damage to the subject - matter insured except ________clauses
Correct Answer Exclusion clauses
Your Answer Exclusion clauses
Select The Blank
Question: The rights of the copyright ________ may be roughly classified into reproduction rights and performing rights.
Correct Answer owner
Your Answer owner
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The following attracts copyright once the choice and arrangement of source material is more than mimimal,I.e a piece of
Correct Answer Historical writing , A new report , A selection of poetry
Your Answer Historical writing , A new report , A selection of poetry
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: Arbitration under the Rules of ICC is open to
Correct Answer Members and non members
Your Answer Members and non members
Select The Blank
Question: The impact of appeal to the consumers has been the________of the sales
Correct Answer Black bone
Your Answer Black bone
Question: The open cover may be limited in time while the floating policy is normally limited to twelve months
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Select The Blank
Question: The unpaid seller has also a ________ interest in them untill the buyer is deemed to have accepted the goods
Correct Answer Defensible
Your Answer Compound
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Dramatic work includes
Correct Answer work of dance and mine , the scenario for a film , the script for a film
Your Answer work of dance and mine , the scenario for a film , the script for a film
Select The Blank
Question: The ICC Court of arbitration its seat at the headquarters of the ICC in________
Correct Answer Paris
Your Answer Paris
Select The Blank
Question: An issue of bill of lading who deliberately backdates it in order to bring it within the shipment time in the credit, acts ________
Correct Answer frandulently
Your Answer frandulently
Select The Blank
Question: The ________ of the product concept is the first and in many ways most important safety functions of manufacturers.
Correct Answer Formulation
Your Answer Formulation
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The marine insurance policy or the marine insurance certificate forms a part of the
Correct Answer Shipping Document
Your Answer Shipping Document
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The rights which enable the proprietory of the trade mark to the exclusive use of that trade mark in relation to the goods for which it is registered is
Correct Answer Statutory rights
Your Answer Statutory rights
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The trading Invoice should state the
Correct Answer Name and addresses of seller and buyer
Your Answer Name and addresses of seller and buyer
Question: Product liability and product safety are the phrases used to describe the law concerning product-related accidents and illness
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Question: In the case of joint authorship, the term of copyright is in relation to the author who dies first
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
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